A new version of the AR4RT is available that includes release confirmation and localized ranging capabilities. Request more info on the AR4RT+

AR4RT - Acoustic Release for Ropeless Fishing
On-demand acoustic release for ropeless fishing
Simple, reliable and low cost with minimum impact on fishing operations
Release by rotation of beveled cam
Activated by ARI4RT deck unit and transducer
Salt or freshwater
Operating depth is 0 to 600 feet (0 to 183 meters)
Battery life approximately 12 months
Compatible with the Trap Timer virtual gear marking app
The AR4RT Advantage

The AR4RT system is a revolutionary low-cost, on-demand ropeless fishing systems. It was designed specifically to be simple, reliable and cost-effective for single-trap, near-shore fisheries in water depths to about 600 ft. The design was developed to meet specific criteria based directly on input from Black Sea Bass, Dungeness Crab, American Lobster and Spiny Lobster fishers. These included:
Minimizes exposure of whales to entanglement hazards
Can be capitalized and operated at low cost
Easily integrated into the existing fishing process
No undo impact on time and effort required to handle fishing gear
Easily stowed within the footprint of the existing trap
Does not impede the stacking of traps
As reliable as the traditional system
Comparable visibility on the surface to the traditional system
Provides a means to track the gear location